This is my second post for today, scroll down for my first one. I recently received two blog awards, thank you so much! I love admiring all the blogs out there and I'm so flattered that someone likes my blog!

My first award comes from
Dana Newsom , be sure to check out her wonderful blog! With this award I'm given the chance to tell you three things about myself and pass this award on to 5 other bloggers.
1. I love paper crafting (obviously, hehe). I started paper crafting about 11 years ago and haven't looked back since. I became a demo a few years ago because I love to teach women how they can use their creative side! And as my Blog name suggests, it really is my therapy, I won't say it's cheaper than therapy but we'll let my husband think it is...
2. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, ok I admit, I'm just plain picky. It's probably best if most if my friends and family don't realize just how picky I can be! It drives my darling Husband crazy some days, especially if we're working on a project together... My 6 year old daughter is quickly becoming a perfectionist as well, her poor daddy won't know where to turn in a few years, lol.
3. I'm an introvert living in an extrovertial (I don't think that's even a word) society, silence is golden. Don't get me wrong, I love getting together with friends or family, but at the end of the day I'm just itching to be back in my own home. My idea of a great day is staying home all day, no phone calls (or very few) and stamping til it's dinner time.
Here are 5 Blogs that I love to visit. If you time check them out!
Renee Van StralenTeneale WilliamsNancy RileyCeeCeeJulie MarshallAnd now to my next Blog award, The Stylish Blog award! This award was given to me by the talented
Elaine Uhl, thanks Elaine! It's always so encouraging to know that people are enjoying your hard work!

When you receive this award you are to:
1) thank the person who gave this award and link it back to their blog
2) share 8 things about yourself
3) pass this award to 8 other individuals that you have recently discovered
4) leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition!
So here's a little more about me:
1. I love to papercraft
2. I love Mexican food.
3. We don't have any pets, although if our daughter gets her way we'll have a small puppy by the end of this coming summer (ack)
4. I will soon have a stamp room with all sorts of goodies. Being a demo has really helped to fund my stamp budget!
5. I enjoy baking, but not the cleaning up part. I love home baked goodies, who doesn't!
6. I've been married for almost 12 years, we have twin boys and one girl with enough personality to make you laugh-scream-run, you get the idea, lol.
7. I hate worms, snakes, and bugs of any sort. Blech. Which can make gardening quite entertaining for my husband. :D
8. I loooooooove the rain. It could rain for days and it wouldn't be too much.
I'm passing this award on to:
Becky RobertsMartha StewartDianeLeanne GriffSandi MacIverBrandi WigginsMary FishCarrie Gaskin