I've been super busy the last two weeks getting my kid's halloween treats ready for their classroom parties, I decided to make about 50 pop top cans. I kept them simple as I figured the kids wouldn't notice if I hadn't gone all out on the extras. For the inside I added some halloween smarties, bubble gum and rocket candies. Even I"m tempted to open one, or more...

My sister in law had a baby and so I made 50 baby showers favors which also kept me busy. I think they turned out pretty cute, and cheap since I had a friend who was able to give me her empty baby food jars.

Last but not least, I did make another Christmas card, and if it looks familiar, it should. I used the same design a few weeks ago but in baja breeze and this card is made the same way using old olive.

Thanks for looking and I'll try not to have such a big gap between postings!